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Beets, Hazelnuts, Rocastin

Beet salad, new and improved

Summper Berry Compote with Crème Anglaise

Rote Grütze mit Vanillesoße


A real Greek salad for real tomatoes

Grilled Eggplant Puree

Make your eggplants sing with this simple, silky puree

Chilled Spring Pea Soup

The brightest green you've ever seen

Summer Vegetables Chawanmushi

Japanese Egg Custard

Spring Vegetables Chawanmushi

Japanese Egg Custard

Fusili with Beet Greens and Fennel Sausage

Turning beet greens into a crowd pleaser

Dandelion, Egg, Anchovies and Croutons

A piquant salad to shake up your taste buds

Lui's Hard Rhubarbade

Fermented, fizzy rhubarbade


Drink pink

Lamb Broth for Breakfast

Lamb broth, greens, poached egg and rice.

Lamb Broth

A bold broth for deeply flavored, savory dishes

Strawberry & Rhubarb Crisp

Baked strawberries and rhubarb topped with streusel

Rhubarb Crisp

Baked rhubarb with a walnut streusel top

Spring Vegetable Ragout

A light-handed approach to the season's first vegetables

Seared Sea Scallops

Moist and juicy with the perfect golden brown crust

Ramp Potato Purée

Mashed potatoes with a rampy twist

Broth for Breakfast

Meat broth, greens, poached egg and rice.