Recipes – № 9

Kale Chips

Superfood made addictive

Kale chips are delicious, addictive even, and perfect with some drinks before dinner. It’s easy to make them. Actually it’s so simple that I’m almost embarrassed to include this as a recipe. But hey, if it prevents the occasional sheet of burnt or soggy kale then it will have earned its spot. 

Serves 4-6

Half a bunch of kale. Any variety will do, though Tuscan kale or another not so stringy kind would be best.

Olive oil

Fine sea salt


Preheat oven to 250F. Wash the kale leaves and remove the stems. No need for a knife or cutting board: just hold the stem end in one hand and rip the leaf off with the other hand by sliding it up the stem. Dry the leaves in a salad spinner or with some kitchen towels. Tear the leaves into bite-sized two- to four-inch pieces and toss in a large bowl with some salt and a bit of olive oil. Taste and add more salt as necessary, just as you would dressing a green salad, but stop just a tad short of salting it to taste (the baked chips will taste a bit saltier than the raw leaves). Spread kale pieces in a single layer on two baking sheets lined with parchment paper and bake. After 20 minutes, start tossing the chips on the sheet every 5 minutes or so for even cooking. They are done when all the chips are crispy, after around 35-50 minutes. Be careful not to brown any of the chips as this will make them taste bitter. Pour the chips into a bowl and serve immediately or keep uncovered for later.


Substitute some or all of the olive oil with chili- and/or citrus-infused olive oil.

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