Recipes – № 67


Drink pink

Rhubarb lemonade is a delicious, fruity refreshment with a stunning pink hue. It's perfect for a picnic on a warm spring day - or your little daughter's princess party. I serve it with some fresh Thai basil leaves, which go surprisingly well with rhubarbade (or lemonade). As with all things rhubarb, it's full of sugar though and isn't about to replace water as the default drink at the Sykes family table.

Note that the rhubarb needs to steep overnight. For a more sinister, fermented version of this drink, see Lui's Hard Rhubarbade.

I'm grateful to my friend Pradnya for alerting me to the basic Laura Calder recipe.

Makes about a quart of fairly concentrated rhubarbade

2 lbs rhubarb

¾ cup granulated sugar

½ lemon

3-4 branches of Thai basil (optional)


Trim and wash the rhubarb and cut into 1-inch chunks. Place in a bowl, pour in 4 cups of boiling water, cover and let steep overnight. Strain the rhubarb tea into a saucepan and bring to a boil with the sugar and juice from the half lemon. Simmer for a few minutes, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Strain again if you like and refridgerate. Serve with lots of ice cubes and serve with a few leaves or a small branch of Thai basil in each glass.

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